Friday, March 28, 2014

Adventures in Upholstery

I attended the Country Living Fair
at Stone Mountain, Georgia
back in October.
One of my favorite things was seeing all the 
furniture covered in funky fabrics.
I kept it in the back of my mind,
hoping to find a chair inexpensive enough to experiment with.
 I found this wing back chair at my local Goodwill for $16
and decided it would be perfect.
Wing back chairs are classic.
The velour...
not so much.
I love duck cloth. It has a little weight to it
and comes in great patterns.

My daughter, Carrie, sewed the cushion &
my friend, Cindy, came over to help with the body of the chair.
I had studied several blogs with tutorials on recovering  
wing back chairs & I had every intention of following them. But we took a few shortcuts. It still turned out funky & fabulous!
And, there's nothing a little E6000 won't fix
 (just don't tell anybody)!

On another note...
After all this time blogging,
I still have not perfected taking the perfect picture
of furniture.
Should I take them inside?
Should I take them outside for better lighting?
Maybe both?
My poor son, is the one who usually has to deal
with me trying to figure this out.
He's the one carrying furniture all over the property.
I wanted to share these pictures because I thought they were funny. John, doesn't like for me to take his picture. But I managed to take these and wanted to share...

Yes, he's carrying the chair on his head!
I kept waiting for him to say, "Look mom, no hands!"

Have you ever recovered a wing back chair?
Did you find it hard or easy?
I think this was probably the first and last one I will recover!
But, I know, never say never!
 Pin It

Linking To:
  Someday Crafts, Sew Much A Do, Yesterday On Tuesday, Ginger Snap CraftsCreations By KaraRae Gun Ramblings, Adventures In Dinner, Ivy & Elephants,   Seven Thirty Three, Delightful Order, The Shabby Creek Cottage, Seven AliveBear Rabbit Bear Crafts, Made In A Day, Katherine's Corner, Redoux, Chic On a ShoestringSimply Sweet Home, The Shabby Nest, Craft Junkie TooHouse of Hepworths, Momnivore's Dilema, Somewhat Simple,   Live Laugh Rowe, Have A Daily Cup Of Mrs Olson, Simply Designing, Truly Lovely, Create Craft Love, The Cottage Market,  Funky Junk Interiors, Bowdabra, Addicted 2 Decorating, Tatertots & Jello,   Blissful & Domestic, A Vision To Remember, Boogieboard Cottage, Lovely Crafty Home, DIY Showoff, Craft-O-ManiacDIY Home Sweet Home, Under The Table and Dreaming, Keeping It Simple, Homemaker On A Dime, I Should Be Mopping The Floor, The Dedicated HouseLines Across, Coastal Charm, Reasons To Skip The Housework, Sugar Bee Crafts, Chef In Training, Nifty Thrifty Things, Cherished Bliss, A Bowl Full Of Lemons, Me & My Boys, Mad In Crafts, Alderberry Hill, Flour Me With Love, Not Just A HousewifeToday's Creative Blog, Tip Junkie, The Trendy Treehouse, Homework, Kammy's KornerI Gotta CreateThrifty 101 Lamb Around Domestically SpeakingThe Kurtz Corner,     C.R.A.F.T.,  Finding Fabulous, The Answer Is Chocolate, Sugar and Dots,  Skip To My Lou, Sumos Sweet Stuff, The Thrifty Home, Or So She Says, Diana Rambles, Adorned From AboveCedar Hill Ranch, Classy Clutter, Flutter Buster, Crafty Texas Girls, Twelve O Eight, Nap Time Creations, The Shady Porch, JoJo And Eloise, Hope In Every Season, The Foley FamHouse Of HoffOur Home Away From Home, Living Well Spending Less, Remodelaholic, A Lived In Home, Flamingo ToesVMG206 Finding Silver Pennies, Mad Cap Frenzy Gingerly MadePink WhenMinnette's MazeMade To Be A Momma Start At HomeLil Mrs ToriHomecomingThe Vintage FarmhousePink Recipe BoxSweet HauteTable For SevenBe BetsyIt Happens In A BlinkOne Dog Woof, 4 You With Love, A Stroll Thru LifeA Bright And Beautiful LifeCrafty Goodies Live Love CreateThe Koenigs Create,  


  1. I have been wanting to do something like this FOREVER but still have not had the nerve. I even have the chair! I know it is "supposed" to be as simple as removing the original pieces on the chair, use them as patterns and then put the new fabric on the chair. Something tells me it is a lot more difficult than that or upholstery shops would not charge as much as they do! I know I can do all the sewing parts but everything else makes me nervous. I should probably just jump in like you did and do it! So - which is more difficult, the wing part or the fitting the fabric around the arm?

  2. That turned out gorgeous. I have one that I have been trying to decide whether or not to tackle. It doesn't look terrible right now but I would love for it to look similar to much character. I just don't think I'm courageous enough.

  3. How fun! I love colorful fabrics mixed together like that. This would be awesome in a girls bedroom or in a colorful sunroom!

    I could never upholster anything to save my life, kudos on that! Looks difficult.


  4. I have never recovered a chair, but yours makes me want to!! Yay for good strong guys who help carry furniture! I have no idea what is best, indoors or out for picture taking, but I will say, the outdoor picture seriously caught my eye!!

  5. I love the colors you picked, and the pattern just makes the chair so much fun.

  6. Wow! I love how all of the patterns go so well together. I love your photos too. It is funny to show furniture outside, but the pieces always looks so pretty surrounded by nature.

  7. Just WOW ... I have covered wing back and they are not easy.
    You did a great job. Follow you on bloglovin'.
    Thanks for stopping by Timeless Treasures with a nice comment.
    Audrey Z.

  8. How cute! I have seen chairs similar to that and for several hundred dollars. Your chair is so spunky and it!

  9. I have only stuck to cushions, but now I am tempted to go back to the thrift shop where a chair like this one is now marked down to $7. Yours turned out beautiful. Love the have chair, will travel son!

  10. What an amazing REDO!!!!!!!!! Jealous because I haven't had the guts to tackle a project like this yet.. Thanks for sharing this on DIY Sunday Showcase!

  11. Oh, how I wish I could do this. Sewing scares me. And I have a sewing machine, for Pete's sake! But the only thing I make are rice warmers... Your chair is fabulous! New follower!

  12. Great fabric choices:) Very happy mix

  13. I love how the chair turned out. I also enjoy the photos with your son walking the chair around on his head.

  14. Love your chair you did a great job choosing the fabrics and it came out beautiful!

  15. It's great! Love the colors and the best pic is the one of your son with the chair on his back!!!

  16. I LOVE how you used different fabrics for the different parts of the chair. So fun! I have 2 wing back chairs that I hope to reupholster one day. One was free, that's the one I want to do first to practice on. Yours turned out beautifully :)

  17. Great fabric choices. I need to do this on a chair I'm about to upholster.

  18. Fantastic! The fabrics are so much fun - what a great combination. The photos of your son carrying the chair cracks me up! So sweet of him to help you in all this! My photographer friend tells me that outside light about 5 pm is best for photos. Cheers! Catherine

  19. That looks amazing! I've always loved the look of mixed fabrics on furniture and I don't have a single piece! Your pictures look neat outside - kind of artsy. :)

  20. Love the chair! And the pic of your son hauling it is absolutely priceless...could be one of my teenage sons :) I get a lot of rolled eyes, huffs and sighs...I just smile, squeeze their biceps and tell them I'm so glad they're strong ;)

  21. OMG! I can't express to you just how awesome this is! I saw a chair similar to this in a store and fell in love, but yours is much better. Kudos and pinning! ;-)

  22. Your chair looks incredible but I must say the pictures of your son cracked me up! What a fab kid!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  23. Your son is a trooper! I often have my sons come help bring in new furniture. lol! No one at home to grab in an instant. Love, the chair! Funky and fabulous! I have wanted to take an upholstery class. I looked into Adult education classes and they no longer teach upholstery. It use to be something they taught a lot. Not daring enough to take this on without a little lesson. Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  24. You got quite a reaction to redoing your chair. I have a club chair I bought at Habitat 3 yrs or so ago, has ugly plaid on it, does not go with anything in our l/r. All we've done to improve it is take the skirt off. I bought a heavier fabric but now don't think I want to use it.
    I'd like to combine at least 2 fabric patterns, most likely better with 3. I was just going to cut pieces of the fabric and staple it on. Do you know how much fabric you used total? I have idea of what I want to use, is the duck cloth at Hobby Lobby. If I use coupons could get it more affordably, it's $8.99 a yard before coupon. Quite often they have it sale for 30% off but I'd rather get 40% off, every little bit helps, lol. Buy it one bunch at a time. Now to decide which patterns. I'll have to buy little pieces to help me see what will work.
    You did such an excellent job on your chair, glad you got some help. Your boy is funny, is he afraid his classmates will see him on a blog? I hate having my photo taken also, hubs always seems to sneak one when I look my worst. Now that I've seen how well your chair turned out and the incredible trio of patterns and colors, I'm little more ready to try it, thanks for inspiration. Pinned this and will print out couple of photo to take with me to HL. Hope it's springy where you live.

  25. WOW! Love that chair {awesome fabric choices}! And your son toting it around on his head? TOO funny!

  26. I love your chair, the fabrics are awesome! I have a great but ugly chair sitting right here next to me. I was thinking of painting it but I would love to reupholster. One day I will get the guts to do something with it!
    Over The Apple Tree

  27. Your chair turned out amazingly! Its so fun and cheerful. I love all the happy colors. Great job! Also saying hello from link party palooza!
    Leelee @

  28. Gorgeous! I love the colors and you did an amazing job. I always wanted to do one, but I wouldn't know where to begin. Love your pics of your son! Haha...the behind the scenes of blogging! Love it!

  29. So nice to meet you!

    What an amazing transformation in colour and pattern and texture! In reply to your question re: light, your beautiful chair would look amazing in any kind of light source!

    Thanks for stopping by Poppy View and hope to see you again, soon!

    Have a relaxing weekend in your cute and comfy chair!


  30. I love your color combination!! The outside pictures are lovely!! Well staged!

  31. That is fantastic! You've inspired me. I too have always wanted to take on upholstery but have been pretty darn intimidated. I may have to give it a shot this year.

  32. This chair is amazing! Can I have one for my house? Man I gotta learn upholstery!

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