
Monday, January 9, 2012

The Writing's On The Wall

Owning a mural painting business, I am often asked to paint quotes on walls. I'm not sure why, but for some reason my handwriting is much better with a paintbrush than it is with a pen or pencil. I guess that's a good thing since I never get paid to write something with a pen or pencil.
Adding words to a wall gives your room a personal feel.
One of my favorite quotes is by Erma Bombeck. I painted her quote in one of my hallways...
 That is a great motto and I am doing my best to live up to it!
Underneath the quote, I painted some simple flowers...
In the hallway where my bedrooms are, I painted the definition of family...
 Next to this, I painted a tree. On the branches, I hung pictures of my husband and me, our parents, and a picture of us with our children. The picture of the kids needs to be updated...those small children are now 18 and 20!

I probably should have straightened the pictures before I snapped this shot...oops.

I painted this for my mother-in-law in her kitchen...

As a birthday present for her 40th birthday, I painted my friend, Elizabeth's laundry room. She likes flamingos and wanted a fun laundry room...
Ain't that the truth?
(Sorry, Mom, it's just an expression...I really don't use the word ain't)
The flamingos are doing the laundry...wouldn't that be nice?

Here are some quotes I painted for clients...
 This was painted in a child's bedroom. All the things mentioned in the poem were incorporated into a mural painted around the room.

Noah's Arc painted in a nursery.

In this bedroom, even the curtains are painted on the wall.

This Langston Hughes quote and magnolia tree are painted going up a stairway.

A playroom.

To make sure my lines are straight, I use a level and draw my straight lines with chalk. Once the paint is dry, the chalk is easily wiped off with a damp rag. You can see my chalk lines in the next photo.
I think this is the perfect quote to end this post...

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Linking To: 
Savvy Southern Style, Boogieboard Cottage,Sugar Bee Crafts, Not Just A Housewife, Coastal Charm,To Sew With Love, Under The Table & Dreaming,Cherished Treasures,The Graphics Fairy,Polly Want A Crafter,Funky Junk Interiors,Addicted 2 Decorating,Domestically Speaking,Tales of a Trophy Wife,DIY Showoff, Skip To My Lou,Mommy By Day... Crafter By Night,Miss Mustard Seed,All Things Heart and Home,The Shabby Nest,Someday Crafts,Sew Much Ado,Lil' Luna,Sugar and Dots,House of Hepworths,Yesterday on Tuesday,Thrifty Decorating,Remodelaholic,Fingerprints on the Fridge,Lovely Crafty Home,Ladybird LN Craft Envy,Dittle Dattle,Craft-O-Maniac,Keeping It Simple,Mad In Crafts,Making The World Cuter,Sisters of the Wild West,Sarahndipities,Today's Creative Blog,Tip Junkie,Sassy Sites,The Thrifty Home,seven thirty three,Sisters Stuff,Fabric Bows and More,Sew Woodsy,Tea Rose Home,Ginger Snap Crafts,The Shabby Creek Cottage,What Allie's Making Now,Thrifty 101,Momnivore's Dilemma,It's Sew Stinkin Cute,Beyond The Picket Fence,Finding Fabulous,Trendy Treehouse,A Little Knick Knack,Chic on a Shoestring Decorating,Simply Sweet Home, Creation Corner,Truly Lovely with the Laney Sisters,Mommaskindacrafty,Simply Designing,Joyful Stamper,Tatertots and Jello,Along For The Ride,Young and Crafty,While He Was Napping,A Vision To Remember,Stay At Home Nation,LambAround,Nifty Thrifty Things,Petite Hermine,A Bowl Full Of Lemons,The Foley Fam,Type A,Reasons To Skip The Housework,DIY Club Inc,Primitive and Proper,Creations by Kara,Elle Belle CreativeTales from Bloggeritaville,Delightful Order,Gluesticks,Somewhat Simple,Frugalicious Me,All Things Fee,Cherished Bliss,Homework,Me and My Boys,Homemaker on a Dime,Primp,Craft Junkie Too,Home Savvy,Lines Across My Face,Bear Rabbit Bear,The Kurtz Corner,Chef In Training,The Sasse Life,Project Queen,Crafty Scrappy Happy,Raising 4 Princesses,DIY Home Sweet Home,Passionately Artistic,Redoux,Pocket Full Of Pink,Kammy's Korner,I Can't Stop Crafting,Sassafras Salvation,The Artsy Girl Connection,The Shady Porch,Rae Gun Ramblings,Six Sisters Stuff,Sew Crafty Tuesday,Adventures In Dinner,Knick Of Time,Five Days 5 Ways,Some Good Stuff,Seven Alive,Ivy and Elephants,Creating Home,Alderberry Hill,


  1. Nice! I didn't know you did that. Murals are hard work! I did the whole school cafeteria a few years ago. I finally had to recruit help...


  2. I'm so impressed! You are so talented. I can barely draw a stick figure, so I'm always jealous of people that can draw/create like this for a living. I love the quote by Erma Bombeck and the family quote you have too. They really resonated with me. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me too.

  3. WOW!!! You are such an artist. Um, can you come to my house?!? These murals are such treasures and I'm sure you have blessed others beyond measures with your talent.

  4. You do have magnificent paint writing. I love all of your murals, but EB's creativity quote strikes a cord. Lovely work.

  5. Oh wow, what gorgeous pieces. How nice to also know that your works of art are living and breathing in people's lives on a day to day basis. Thank you so much for linking up!

  6. I LOVE all of these. But the family tree is my fav. What a clever idea! Thank you so much for linking to our party this week!:)

  7. So lovely, Langston Hughes always inspires me.

    So glad that you decided to join Pin'Inspiration Thursday this week :-)

  8. Inspiring quotes. thanks for sharing them.

  9. Saw you at Naptime Crafters. You are very talented.

  10. Your work is amazing! I've been signed up to paint sea critters on my sisters wall (they discontinued her nursery theme before she managed to buy 1/2 the stuff!). Any tips you could give me? Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower.

  11. Eep! Your family tree is SO adorable! LOVES!


  12. Wonderful work. Love the family tree!


  13. Oh my are these beautiful! Please stop over and share at my new party:

    I hope to see you soon :)

  14. I could never get the man to agree to painted quotes. I'll have to share this post with him to show how beautiful it looks. You are a talented woman.

  15. everything looks sooo professional! are using your talents..good for you.
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  16. Hi and thanks for sharing your fabulous project on last week's T.G.I.F. Linky Party at Craft Junkie Too. CONGRATS it was one of our most viewed linky's this week. :) Woot! Woot! Stop by and grab the Top 3 button for your blog. :)
    Stop by again when you can…

  17. wow! Looks great! You are very talented! Thanks for linking up to the Tuesday Talent Show! I hope to see you again next week!
    Chef in Training

  18. what great talent you have, Virginia! We are featuring this on the blog today!

    Have a lovely weekend!


  19. The votation for TSWL's finest of February 2012 is on! Go tell your friends to vote for you! ^^) good luck!

  20. very nice writing and paintings.,, I wish I could do letters/words like that with a paintbrush.

  21. Wow, you have a wonderful talent -- love your trompe l'oeil work! Thanks for sharing.
