
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Spool Garland

Today I am so excited to be hosting over at The Kurtz Korner.
Thanks, Audra, for having me! Please check out Audra's blog and become one of her Followers so you can keep up with all the great things happening at The Kurtz Korner!

Here's what I'm sharing at The Kurtz Korner...

I recently created this vintage inspired spool garland...
Here's how I did it...
 I started out covering wooden spools that I bought at the craft store with sheet music that I printed from the Graphics Fairy website.
I used a damp rag to apply red acrylic paint to wooden beads. I used this technique to give the beads a marbled look rather than having complete coverage...

Next, I cut a long piece of green jute and tied a loop in one end...
I wrapped the other end of jute with tape to make it easier to thread through the beads and spools...

I tied a knot about 8 inches away from the end of the jute and added a bead, a spool, and another bead and then tied another knot to hold it all in place...

I threaded on a rusty metal star ornament and tied it in place about 6 inches away from the last bead...

I continued this process alternating the beads and spool with the stars until I had about a 6 foot garland.

I love the vintage, yet rustic feel of this garland...

This was an easy and inexpensive garland that will make a big impact on my Christmas tree!


  1. Very unique & pretty! Have not seen anything like this before! Would love love love for you to share this at our party going on now Happy holiday! My

  2. Too darn cute! I've got tons of antique sheet music and oodles of spools - so I'm sure I'll be copying this genius creation!

    Hop over to Knick of Time Tuesday to share it!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  3. The sweetest garland! I love the sheet music on the spool. Too cute! Merry Christmas!

  4. Oh yeah! This is lovely. I'll have to check out "Graphics Fairy." She seems to have everythinhg. I'll have to look for those spools at the craft store. There is so much you can do with those!

  5. cute idea. love music paper....

    barbara jean

  6. These are suuuuper adorable.. VERY creative.. I LOVE them!!!! Thanks SO much for linking to Pin'Inspirational Thursdays.. : )) Wishing you the Happiest Of Holiday's.. xoxo.. Marilyn..

  7. I love this! I'd love you to add these to my What We Wore and Made party over at

  8. How very cool! I love the look!!

  9. Adorable! I'm garland crazy right now :-) So glad that you came back and shared this week at Pin'Inpsiration Thursday.

  10. That's so cute! Love it! Vintage looking for sure! xo

  11. Your spools really do have that wonderful vintage look. They look fabulous!

  12. Just a little while ago I was sewing and threw away a plastic spool. As I did, I was wondering what on earth I could do with it instead. Now I know! Even though it's white plastic, I'm thinking a little modge podge will do it wonders!

  13. Love and adore! Pinning for next year ;-)

  14. Very cute! Saw you over at Coastal Charm

  15. Very very cute, love the spools soooo cute with the hearts, I am a new follower of yours and i love the tut on how to make it,,,love it

  16. Love this, especially the sheet music idea!

  17. I love this and may start one for next year :) What a wonderful way to reuse and repurpose. Have a great day!

  18. Love those little spools; unique idea! Have a Happy and prosperous New Year!

  19. The garland is just the cutest. I love the idea of covering them with sheet music. Very Nice!

  20. Oh I just love this vintage music garland...I so want to try it! Thanks!

  21. I love how this came out!

    I'd love for you to link up and share:

  22. Brilliant unique and inspiring garland love it. XOXO Zoe

  23. OoOo I have a ton of spools now that I just finished a puff quilt! I can't wait to use them all to make this pretty garland! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Thanks SO much for linking this beautiful feature to Pin'Inspirational Thursday last week.. I ADORE IT..SUPER CREATIVE!!. I featured YOU today!! Hope you can stop in and snag a button as you where one of the FAV five from the party.. THANKS AGAIN.. **WISHING YOU A SPECTACULAR NEW YEAR** Cheers to much success in 2012.. Xoxoxo..M

  25. Supercool idea! I love the colors and the handmade look.
    Another version might be to hang each set of ball/spool/ball on a separate string, each a different length, with a bell or a jingle bell or a windchime at the bottom. Hang them on a porch or at an entrance way.
    Arrived via TCB...Many thanks!

  26. This is so cute, and I could see using this idea in all kinds of projects. I am featuring tomorrow at my party. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year! -K

  27. This turned out so great!

    I love that it's pretty and rustic too!

    Would also love for you to stop by for a visit!

    P.S. I'm your newest follower! : )

    ~Abbie (

  28. This indeed turned out so pretty! thanks for sharing, we always love having you over at the party! We are featuring it in the blog today! a happy new year to you and your family!


  29. I think this turned out just wonderful and is very creative!

    Thanks so much for sharing these at Knick of Time Tuesday!

    Don't forget to become a friend and follower so you can be featured!

    Angie @ Knick of Time
