
Saturday, August 6, 2011


Well, it's official...
I have passed on my Pinterest addiction to my 17 year old daughter, Carrie!
There are quite a few photos on Pinterest that people have taken using frames. They hold up the frame so it frames someone in the background. Carrie has "pinned" lots of these photos.
She and some friends had made a plan to go on a "photo shoot" earlier this week. Sort of a last hoorah for summer! I had an old frame in the garage that she asked if she could paint. I said, "sure." She painted the frame with orange spray paint, gathered some friends, and off they went...

I love these girls!

The best friend, Abby, and Carrie.

I think their photo shoot was successful!
Maybe they'll get "pinned" too!


  1. So adorable! I had not heard of this, but I am pinning this so I can remember it! Have a good day!

  2. So cute!! A friend of mine went home to the Netherlands for a wedding. At the wedding each guest was photographed inside a big frame...nice keepsake! Orange looks cool on that frame!

  3. Love the frames! Great pics! I am also addicted to Pinterest! I just followed you too!! =)

  4. This is such a cute idea! I'll have to try it out myself sometime! I want to thank you for sharing it on "Creative Bloggers' Party and Hop".

    From this week's party co-host:

    Jacque @ Jacque's Soda Parlor

  5. This is such a labor of love! Thanks for linking up at Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  6. I recently discovered Pinterest and now I'm hooked... addicted... its such a huge source of inspiration and Eye Candy!

    Dawn... The Bohemian
