
Sunday, September 6, 2020

Voodoo Stained Barn Quilt

 I love barn quilts.

And, I love Voodoo Gel Stain.

So, when I got these wooden barn quilts from Signopoly, I knew the beautiful colors of the Voodoo stain from the Dixie Belle Paint Company would be perfect.

The grooves in the cabinet grade plywood make it so easy! You just fill it in like a coloring book.
I started with a beautiful turquoise color called Temptress. Then I proceeded with Up In Smoke (gray), Tobacco Road (brown), Black Magic, & White Magic.

One thing I love about the Voodoo stain is that it is waterbased. There is no odor & clean up is super easy!

To define the lines I added Dixie Belle's Best Dang Wax in black.
To make it easier to control the dark wax, I first coated the board with clear wax. I tried to avoid the grooves so they would accept the black wax easier. I used a stiff brush to add the black wax to the grooves, then wiped it back with a rag. I left a "hint" of the black wax over the entire board to dirty it up a bit.
I love the shape, the design, the size, & the colors!
Give Voodoo a try. You can use it for good, not evil!

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  1. Voodoo Gel Stain is my go-to water based stain and how sweet to see most of the color choices in one spot. They look so pretty on your wood barn quilt!

  2. This is so amazing! If you have time I would love for you to join us at

  3. WOW! I've never used the stain but it sounds fabulous! Your color combo is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! Pinned. xo Kathleen

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE! The sign. The colors. Everything! Featuring when my link party opens up tonight! Happy weekend my friend.
