
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Chalkboard Paint Saves The Day

Well, it didn't actually save the day.
It did however save the sale!

I have had this old desk for sale at
for months!
 And, for a really great price!
But, it just wouldn't sell.

So, I decided I'd take it home.
Maybe I'd paint it really colorful...
or paint a whimsical design on it.

But, then I thought,
 "who doesn't love chalkboard paint?"

I went the easy route,
not only using chalkboard paint,
but also just painting the desk part & the slats.
And, guess what?
It sold!
And it sold quickly!

Ah...chalkboard paint...
Gotta love it (other people do apparently)!

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  1. Very creative!! I'm sure some child will have hours of fun with it...

  2. Love it!!!
    What a great idea - I did that to an adults desk once ( created a chalkboard blotter in the center ) and that's all it took to sell that one too!

  3. Cool idea for a desk! Now why didn't I think of that?! Fabulous!

  4. Trying to figure out what sells is tricky stuff. I love that you painted the slats too! Nice job!

  5. So cute. I have two of these and have thought about doing that. Now I am! Came over from a comment you left on my blog. Glad I visited.
