
Friday, September 2, 2011

The Kitchen Is Open!

No, it's not what your kitchen at home is ALWAYS open!

I'm talking about the kitchen here...

As some of you may already know, I have rented a room at Earth Mamas General Store to sell my wares and to hold classes. And yes, that room is the kitchen.
Yesterday, September 1st was the first day for my room to be open. I will be working at the store 2 days a month and yesterday also happened to be the first day for me to work. It was a great day. I enjoyed it and I had quite a few sales. 
Here's a little peak at what I have for sale...
You will read more about this cute little table later!

I am most excited about teaching classes at Earth Mamas! I have 3 classes scheduled for September.
I have 2 dates scheduled for a Folk Art Painting Class. 
I have also scheduled a class to teach how to make the pendants I recently shared with you....

So, if you're in the area, come see us at Earth Mamas.
And, I'd love to see you in class!


  1. "All You Need Is Love" - that is what I tell my kids all the time. Enjoyed seeing that on your blog.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  2. Congrats on your Grand Opening!!! Wish I lived closer.. I'd be shopping in a heartbeat!! Have a great Long Weekend!!
