
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Coffee Table Redo

I have had the same coffee table for at least 10 years.
It could be more, but my memory stinks!
It was originally an oak table that a friend had. She had had the table for quite some time and was ready to get rid of it. She is also an artist and we had been painting some furniture to take to a flea market to sell.  So, we painted the bottom of her coffee table an off white, distressed it,  painted the top black and took it to the market. Well, it didn't sell, she didn't want it, so I kept it. I was actually kind of glad that it didn't sell. I needed a coffee table and I thought we had done a great job on it.
When my family moved into the house we live in now, the coffee table came too. I decided that the top was too perfect so I got out my mouse sander and went to town! I distressed the heck out of the black!

This is how the table has looked for the last 5 years...

I had been thinking that the table needed a change. I wanted to brighten it up a bit.
So, a few weeks ago, while my husband and kids were all out of town for various reasons, I went for it.

I painted the top an off white to match the bottom. Don't expect to hear the word "match" out of me too often. I don't like things to match and I don't like things centered! 
I sanded the edges a little to distress it and added just a little brown wash to age it a little more.

The result...
Much brighter!

In one corner, I added a bird and scroll design that I found on the Graphics Fairy website.
I kept the design subtle. All you have to do is print out your design, place it face down on your painted surface, and rub the back of the paper with a pencil. It will transfer the design. You can paint over the design, but I like the aged look of just the transfer. I have found that the design will stay if you seal over it.
If you do this technique with words, flip the design before you print it so your letters and words won't be backwards.

Remember, I said I don't like things centered!
Sorry...the picture is a little weird. I need to work on my camera settings!

I'm sure this table will go through many more transformations, but for now, I love it!

Want more coffee table inspiration? Then visit HOMESTHETICS. There you will find awesome DIY coffee tables to fit any stlye.


  1. much softer! and i love the subtle details you have added!

  2. this is a nice change. I love the subtle design. HOORAY!!!

  3. Oooohhhh...GORGEOUS! The Graphics Fairy design is a PERFECT touch!

    Deborah (happily visiting from

  4. I like it a lot! The subtle design is beautiful; this is a technique I need to try!

  5. Really pretty! A great transformation. What a fun 'new' piece!

    I would love to have you share this at my link party, Show & Share!

  6. How beautiful! I love the pale etching on the side. So beautiful!

  7. Looks beautiful....I've been debating about painting mine, too....Thanks for linking to Thrifty Thursday! :)

  8. Looks lovely...and the muted design is so perfect!

  9. Lovely! And anything you display on the table now will really stand out!

  10. Looks great...can't wait to try the transfer method it's so nice and subtle. Thanks for sharing.
    Gail x

  11. It was gorgeous before and it is gorgeous after! You are so brave to paint furniture. I'm sitting here looking at a 1970s coffee table, shivering with fear at the thought of painting it. ha!

    (Saw you at Everything But the Kitchen Sink) :)

  12. That table is so pretty great transformation of a old table to new again.

  13. It turned out great, and looks lovely with the red furniture. Beautiful!

  14. It's hard to change something you've had for awhile, glad you had the courage to try it!


  15. Oh yes it's very subtle and soft looking. I adore the bird too! Please stop by and share your talents at my VIP party today =) Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  16. Looks great...what a darling little birdie!!! Come by and join me at my weekly NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY PARTY…hope to see ya there!


  17. I love this! The birdie is the perfect accent and I like that you didn't center it. I didn't know you could rub off those graphics......great tip!

  18. Beautiful! I just bought a coffee table for $15 today that I can't wait to redo!! Thanks for linking up to Craft and Tell!

  19. Turned out beautiful! Thanks for linking with us at Show & Share!


  20. love it! the bird makes it! thanks for sharing this at my party!

  21. Wow! Really brightens up the WHOLE space!!! Lovely! Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!

  22. I like what you did! I am in need of a similar redo here...
    ~ Meredith From A Mother Seeking

    A Mother Seeking...

    This week, "When Life Hands You Lemons..."

  23. Love the designs you added! Came out great thanks for sharing!


  24. Oooh...I like the new color a lot. It's definitely brighter and the little birdie is so cute!

  25. what a lovely table and I love the make-over you gave it! We are featuring this lovely projects on the blog today! Have a lovely weekend!


  26. this is beautiful! Great job!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!
