
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mason Jar Punch

Last night I invited some friends over for a painting party. 
We did this cute Folk Art painting of a church...

The painting was done on blocks of wood. I bought 2" x 8"  x 8' pieces of untreated lumber at Lowe's and my husband cut them for me into 8" x 10" pieces. They all turned out great. Everyone's was just a little different but all perfect in their own way. One friend even turned her church into a fire station to give to her dad!

But the star of the night for me was the drinks!
I saw this cute idea on Pinterest (yes, I'm addicted to Pinterest too) on making Sangria and serving it in Mason jars.
Go HERE to visit the website where I found the idea.
Instead of Sangria, I made a wine punch.

I used a chalkboard garden stake to write "wine punch" so the ladies would know what they were getting.

Check out my beautiful zinnias!!!

Here's how I made the punch...
2 bottles of white wine
1/2 cup Triple Sec
1/8 cup sugar
1 cup orange juice
2 cups club soda
Actually, I just eyeballed the OJ & club soda. I added more until I thought it was good.

I cut up peaches, strawberries, and oranges and put them in the jars before I poured in the punch. I chilled the punch in the jars in the fridge until right before everyone arrived.


Fill the jars with fruit and lemonade for a non-alcoholic version.


  1. What fun! The punch looks tasty!

  2. What a cute idea to put the punch in jars! Sounds delicious!Like the church painting.

  3. i love your church folksy painting! Tiff
    the mason jar idea is also very cute...

  4. What a fun idea! I love the picture. The punch looks so great in the jars and I know it was cooling and refreshing! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    I didn't have an email addy for you but wanted to thank you too for stopping by and leaving the comments re: the giveaway. That's something I hadn't thought of ~ appreciate it!

    Have a wonderful day!

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