
Friday, July 22, 2011

Decorating With Sentimental Things

I love to use sentimental things when decorating my home. 
Why put something away afraid that something might happen to it? If you can't enjoy it, then what is the point in holding on to it? Everyday I look around my house at the things that have been passed down to me and my family and it makes me so happy.
Today I am showing how I decorate my mantel in the summer.

The focal point is the tomato print with its pop of color...I love color!
I posted last week about the banner year we are having with our tomatoes, so this print is quite appropriate.
It is by a wonderful artist named Chris Hartsfield. I have several of his watercolors.

The 2 larger silver trays belonged to my mother. The smaller tray I bought at a yard sale for $1 and added the vinyl "B" by cutting it out on my Cricut. I don't mind that they need to be polished. I like the tarnish! 
Many years ago (probably 15 or more), my mother in law gave me 3 blue Ball jars. I quickly became obsessed. I love them. I have bought a few over the years, but I have found that they are a little pricey around where I live. Last year I went on the World's Longest Yard Sale and I hit the jackpot. I found them for $2 and $3. I bought about 15! I wanted more but my kids were making fun of me.

The crock in the photo above is another piece given to us by my mother in law. I filled it with branches from my yard. 
The most sentimental piece to me is the pitcher. My mother made tea in that pitcher everyday for as long as I can remember. I would love to know how many gallons of sweet tea have been served from that one pitcher.

The memories that these pieces hold are so special. 
I'm glad I have them to brighten my home.


  1. Perfect wall color :)

    I'm stopping by tonight to let you know that your post has been nominated for the Best in Show award on my blog! Be sure to vote and GOOD LUCK :)

  2. Looks great! I love decorating with sentimental pieces too.
    I'm your newest follower!
