
Monday, December 16, 2019

Beadboard Christmas Tree

I love it when I can grab some scraps & make a project come together!
I've been hanging onto a piece of beadboard for awhile waiting for the perfect project to use it in. So when I found some antique roof tins at an antique store, and remembered that I had a bunch of rusty metal stars, I knew I had found a purpose for the beadboard.

I measured and drew off triangles on the back of the beadboard & cut them out to make Christmas trees.

 I painted the beadboard with the color, Fluff, from the Dixie Belle Paint Company.
 Than I added Dixie Belle's Van Dyke Glaze.

 I used E6000 to glue the beadboard tree onto the roof tin.
 Then I added a star to the top of the Christmas tree.

I'm thinking of making more with green trees. What do you think?

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Monday, December 2, 2019

Not Your Mama's Christmas Village

In October, my husband, son, daughter, & I vacationed in Italy. It was a wonderful trip!
We came home with great memories, but not a lot of souvenirs. One thing I did buy was this cute little wooden house. 

I love the rustic simplicity of it. And, of course, I thought that I could do that!
So, once I got home, I took the idea and made a little Christmas Village.

I drew off the pattern for three houses on a 2 x 4 & had my son cut it.
 I sanded the edges, then stained the wood with Voodoo Gel Stain from the Dixie Belle Paint Company. I love this stain because it is water based so the clean up is easy!
 I painted over the stain with the color Fluff from Dixie Belle.
 When the paint was dry, I sanded the blocks.
 For the doors and windows, I cut and painted thin pieces of veneer and glued them onto the blocks with E6000.

 I painted Christmas garland and wreaths on the blocks.

They were cute, but I felt like they needed something.
Shutters! That's what they needed.
 On two of the houses, I used veneer to create the shutters, and painted the shutters on the other one.

 Yes! That's what they needed.

 I love my little Christmas village. And it will always bring back fond memories of my trip to Italy.

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