
Friday, May 15, 2020

It All Started At The Paris Flea Market

When my husband and I visited Paris in 2015, one of my favorite things we did was visit the Paris Flea Market.
One of the shops had a wall that had shelves, floor to ceiling, filled with antique coffee grinders. 
And, so began my collection.

I bought one coffee grinder there at the Paris Flea Market and have collected more over the years. They have been scattered about in my kitchen and dining room. But, when I came across some beautiful corbels I knew that was going to give me an opportunity to bring them all together.

To make shelves that would match the finish of the corbels, I started by giving some boards a wash of Dixie Belle paint in the color, Caviar.
 Then I took a scrap block of wood, dipped it in the color Drop Cloth, & dragged it across the board to create a chippy, weathered finish

 I started with three shelves but hope to add a couple more.
 This is just part of my collection...

 And, this is the one that started it all...

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  1. Very interesting collection!! Your shelves are just perfect and so pretty

  2. Great collection of your very old coffee grinders - you created a lovely place to display them.

  3. The shelves you made are absolutely gorgeous! I personally never would have thought to collect coffee grinders, probably because I don't drink coffee, but they make a very nice collection all grouped together!

    1. Thanks. I wouldn't have thought to collect coffee grinders either until I saw them all together at the flea market. But, I do love coffee.

  4. love flea markets and love what you did with your great finds thanks for sharing
    come see us at

  5. What a marvelous collection of coffee grinders, I can see how the first one got you started!

  6. Great collection, awesome shelves, great tutorial. I bet you remember where you got each and every one of those--and it was a memory of a happy day!

    1. Thank you Kathy. I do remember, but I need to write it down before I forget :)

  7. Your shelves look so good. Those corbels provide the perfect touch. Your collection is just perfectly displayed on those shelves. Kathy

  8. You brought memories of a place in Maui with a vast collection of coffee grinders. I fell in love with them then but I love them even more now! ADORE your 3 shelves and how you distressed them as well! And those corbels... goodness!

    This cool project is featured on DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 528 this weekend. Thanks for linking it up!

  9. Where did you find those corbels?

    1. They're from a wholesale company called, Born In A Barn.
