
Monday, September 9, 2019

Preserve Your Petals

Before Summer comes to an end and flowers fade, preserve your petals with this easy project.

Grab a few flowers from your garden & place the petals between two pieces of parchment paper. I used petals from knock out roses and hydrangeas. Cover the parchment paper with a towel and use a hot iron to flatten out the petals.

 Working in small sections, add a generous amount of ModPodge to a battery operated candle.
 Place petals on the candle then cover with another coat of ModPodge.
 You can cover the entire candle, but I chose to cover only half of the candle.
 And, of course, everything looks better in threes!

 They're pretty when lit, too!
What is your favorite Summer flower? Will you preserve it?

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1 comment:

  1. I love these. You're right -- they look extra special when lit! xo Kathleen
