
Monday, March 12, 2012

"Give Us This Day" Tray Makeover

Paint can transform a piece and really make the details stand out. I bought this tray at the Goodwill for $1.91. 
 "Give us this day our daily bread" and a picture were carved in the center. You could hardly make out the design...

 So, I got out my Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and painted the tray...
To make the details stand out, I applied a brown acrylic paint to the recessed areas...

 Then, using a damp rag, I wiped away the excess paint...
Here you can see how the design looks with the brown paint and without...
the finished product...

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Linking to:
Raising 4 Princesses, Sugar Bee Crafts,


  1. Wow, like the way you took something from the thrift shop and made it beautiful again!

  2. Wao..what a smart idea :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is a so cool project. I love the vintage looking it has been turned out.
