
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pinterest Challenge #1

If you haven't heard of Pinterest then you must be living under a rock!

WARNING: Pinterest is highly addictive. Hours can slip away if you are not careful. So, use at your own risk!

Some fellow bloggers issued a challenge HERE for you to actually make some of the things that you are pinning. I decided today to take the challenge. I hope to make at least one thing a month that I have pinned and share my results with you.
I pinned an adorable pin cushion made using a teacup. Go HERE to see it. Theirs is much cuter than mine. They thought theirs out better with color coordinating the cup and the fabric. I was itching to make something and just used what I had.

Here is the one I made...

It was so simple to make and took only about 5 minutes!

Here's what you need to make this pin cushion...
E6000 glue
hair twisty

Fill your fabric with the batting that is formed into a ball. Add a hair twisty to close the fabric.

Add glue to the inside rim of the teacup.

Place the ball of fabric covered batting into the cup.
I placed heavy books on the cup to hold the fabric in place until the glue set.

Too cute!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute and what a great challenge....I could use a challenge like that!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! I'm glad you liked the pillows and let me know if you make some yourself! :)
